Where to go for a walk with baby?

Your baby needs fresh air... and so do you! Babies need oxygen, light and sunshine.  What's more, taking them for a walk every day helps to soothe them. However, it's important to take a few precautions. Bebe2Luxe takes a look at the basics.

1st outings with baby

Many parents have 1,000 questions about their baby's first outings.

Quand puis-je commencer à sortir avec bébé ?

"When should you take your baby out? This is the question that many parents ask themselves. There's no such thing as an exact science: it all depends on the weather, the temperature outside and your new organisation. However, there's nothing to stop you taking your baby for a walk from the very first days if he's in good health! Be careful, however, if your baby is underweight or premature: ask your GP, paediatrician or nursery nurse for advice.


How long should the first walks last?

Taking a stroller out for a walk should be fun for everyone. Your newborn baby tends to tire very quickly. That's why short walks (15 to 20 minutes) are preferable. You can then gradually move on to hour-long outings.

Is it safe to go out with a newborn baby?

While going out with a newborn is, in theory, safe, you should avoid certain places where the heat and noise are likely to exhaust them. For example, avoid crowded, windy and noisy hypermarkets, city centres during rush hour because of car pollution, narrow pavements or dusty roads.

How do you walk your baby?

To ensure that outings remain enjoyable and relaxing, the right equipment is essential. Choose a transport accessory suited to your child's age and your needs:

  • Baby carrycot: from the first days of life, so that your newborn can fall asleep comfortably.
  • Baby carrier: ideal for the car, but can also be used occasionally for short walks with baby
  • The baby pushchair: for older children, from 1 year upwards
  • A baby-carrying accessory (sling, hammock, baby carrier, etc.): from the very first days, so you can stay as close to your baby as possible.

Can you take your baby for a walk in all weathers?

All seasons are suitable for walks with your child, provided, of course, that he or she is dressed for the occasion. In winter, make sure he's well covered, especially on his hands and head.

If it's hot, protect baby from the sun and make sure he drinks regularly. Avoid taking your baby out for walks after 11am or before 4pm, which are the hottest times of the year.


What should you take with you on a trip with baby?

Going for a walk with baby requires a great deal of organisation. It's out of the question to set off with just your child and your handbag! You'll need a whole range of pushchair accessories:

  • Clothes suited to the weather, such as a cardigan or small blanket when it's cold, or when the weather is likely to change quickly, to make sure baby doesn't catch a chill.
  • Sun cream, a hat and sunglasses in case of sunshine
  • A bottle of water
  • A bottle of milk, in case the walk takes longer than expected: better safe than sorry!
  • A snack in case of hunger
  • Bib
  • Soft toy
  • Toys
  • Spare nappies
  • Wipes
  • Diaper cream
  • Plastic bags for used nappies

Where can you take your baby?

If you want no two outings with your baby to be the same, you'll need to come up with some new ideas! Here are a few of them.

Free activities with baby

You can opt for the basics, such as nature walks. In town, the park and/or children's play areas. This is a great opportunity to socialise with other children of the same age and to meet other parents.

Markets are also a fabulous opportunity to introduce your toddler to the multitude of fruit and vegetables on offer. There are also many local parent groups. Sometimes you can get together for a cup of tea and chat.

Chargeable activities with baby

Toy libraries offer children the chance to learn at their own pace with a wide range of games, for a few euros or an annual subscription. You can also opt for the swimming pool and the "Bébés Nageurs" programme if you want to share a unique moment with your baby.

Finally, indoor play parks are practical when the weather is not so good. There are slides, bouncy castles, balls, play modules, etc.

Are there any contraindications to walking with baby?

Walks with your little one are not advisable if he is ill or has recently been ill. Doctors generally advise waiting a day or two before taking him out, especially if it's raining or foggy.

Apart from that, taking your baby for regular walks has many benefits. Don't deprive yourself!

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